Monday, October 22, 2012


Introduction: "Their measurements are often incompatible, and the first measurement may disturb a second measurement. Thus only partial information about a complex system can be obtained at any point in time.  Combining partial information about a system into a coherent understanding of the entire system is the hallmark of quantum theory. Quantum theory provides a fundamentally different approach to logic, reasoning, and probabilistic inference."

'via Blog this'

Monday, October 1, 2012

‘Bi-Fi’ — the biological Internet | KurzweilAI

‘Bi-Fi’ — the biological Internet | KurzweilAI: Cells engineered with M13 can be programmed to communicate in much more complex, powerful ways than ever before. The possible messages are limited only by what can be encoded in DNA and thus can include any sort of genetic instruction: start growing, stop growing, come closer, swim away, produce insulin and so forth.