Saturday, August 31, 2013

The world according to Itskov: Futurists convene at GF2045 (Part 1)

The world according to Itskov: Futurists convene at GF2045 (Part 1)

Towards that end, Vita-More is creating a transdisciplinary Human Enhancement Design (HED) educational program, that explores biotechnology and genomics, nanotechnology and nanomedicine, information technology and Artificial General Intelligence, robotics and smart prosthetics, neuroscience and cognitive sciences, consciousness studies and ethics, and other areas that pertain to issues of backing up the brain and whole body prosthetics. Moreover, as an ecological system comprising humans and the environment, HED explores ways to improve our relationship with the environment, extend lifespan, and map the future of human-computer interface devices.

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Towards that end, Vita-More is creating a transdisciplinary Human Enhancement Design (HED) educational program, that explores biotechnology and genomics, nanotechnology and nanomedicine, information technology and Artificial General Intelligence, robotics and smart prosthetics, neuroscience and cognitive sciences, consciousness studies and ethics, and other areas that pertain to issues of backing up the brain and whole body prosthetics. Moreover, as an ecological system comprising humans and the environment, HED explores ways to improve our relationship with the environment, extend lifespan, and map the future of human-computer interface devices.

Read more at:
Towards that end, Vita-More is creating a transdisciplinary Human Enhancement Design (HED) educational program, that explores biotechnology and genomics, nanotechnology and nanomedicine, information technology and Artificial General Intelligence, robotics and smart prosthetics, neuroscience and cognitive sciences, consciousness studies and ethics, and other areas that pertain to issues of backing up the brain and whole body prosthetics. Moreover, as an ecological system comprising humans and the environment, HED explores ways to improve our relationship with the environment, extend lifespan, and map the future of human-computer interface devices.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

the cybernetic hypothesis: Home

the cybernetic hypothesis: Home

""There is a striking contrast between the conceptual refinement and dedication characterizing scientific and technical reasoning and the summary and imprecise style that characterizes political reasoning... One even asks oneself whether this is a kind of unsurpassable situation marking the definitive limits of rationality, or if one may hope that this impotence might be overcome someday and collective life be entirely rationalized."
- An encyclopedist cybernetician writing in the 1970s."

Cybernetic Analysis and Political Study - Springer

Cybernetic Analysis and Political Study - Springer

"Deutsch’s general statement about political processes found in Nerves of Government appeared to this author as a most unique and important theoretical initiative in political science. Deutsch’s work was an effort to respond to the increasingly complex style of modem life. He attempted to develop a new approach to politics that would combine traditional scholarship with the more modem findings of science. The product of his effort, Nerves of Government, was not a completed study. Instead it was an “interim report” that Deutsch hoped would eventually lead to a “theory of politics, both national and international.”"

Data Girl - Requisite Variety – Are you good enough for Serenity?

Data Girl - Requisite Variety – Are you good enough for Serenity?

"The idea behind Requisite Variety is that the person with the most flexibility wins, in essence the skills you need to solve a problem need to be greater than the elements of the problem itself. So, someone with a small, rigid set of skills can only solve very small problems.  I don’t think this is true of just people but teams, companies and space crews too."

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ha-Joon Chang - Rethinking the State - Series 2 - YouTube

Ha-Joon Chang - Rethinking the State - Series 2 - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

US embassy cables: Tunisia - a US foreign policy conundrum | World news |

US embassy cables: Tunisia - a US foreign policy conundrum | World news |
Since independence, Tunisia deserves credit for its economic and social progress. Without the natural resources of its neighbors, Tunisia focused on people and diversified its economy. In a success all too rare, the GOT is effective in delivering services (education, health care, infrastructure and security) to its people. The GOT has sought to build a &knowledge economy8 to attract FDI that will create high value-added jobs. As a result, the country has enjoyed five percent real GDP growth for the past decade. On women's rights, Tunisia is a model. And, Tunisia has a long history of religious tolerance, as demonstrated by its treatment of its Jewish community. While significant challenges remain (above all the country's 14 percent unemployment rate) on balance Tunisia has done better than most in the region.
'via Blog this'

Friday, August 2, 2013

Les Etats Unis brouillent les cartes de Rached Ghannouchi — Actualités Tunisie Focus

Les Etats Unis brouillent les cartes de Rached Ghannouchi — Actualités Tunisie Focus

"Alors que le gourou tunisien Rached Ghannouchi,Pour maintenir ses criminels au pouvoir , continue à chanter « que la chute de leur frère Mohamed Morsi en Egypte est un coup d’Etat perpétré par l’armée » ,le secrétaire d’Etat américain, John Kerry, a jugé jeudi 1er août que l’armée égyptienne avait déposé le président Mohamed Morsi début juillet dans le but de rétablir la démocratie."